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As a Business Associate member, you are listed on our website. You can also add our badge to your website.
Here’s How To Add The Award To Your Website
Step 1: Pick the badge below that best fits your website style.
Step 2: Copy the code to the right of the badge and paste the badge code into the code of your website.
Step 3: That’s it, you’re done!
Need help? If you need any help, respond to the email you received or send one to admin@biade.org.
<a href="https://www.braininjuryassociationofde.org/" style="display:inline-block; border:0;"><img style="width:225px; display:block;" width="225" height="100" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60411e11e851e139836b02e2/t/609c2863beb2c76db217d0e3/1620846691130/BIADE+Business+Associate+Regular.svg" alt="Brain Injury Association of Delaware Business Associate" /></a>
<a href="https://www.braininjuryassociationofde.org/" style="display:inline-block; border:0;"><img style="width:225px; display:block;" width="225" height="100" src=" https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60411e11e851e139836b02e2/t/609c286640e9f64d8a6ea1a9/1620846694570/BIADE+Business+Associate+White.svg " alt="Brain Injury Association of Delaware Business Associate" /></a>