Family Member/Caregiver Membership

  • BIADE membership card

  • Fillable brain injury ID wallet card (allows survivor to detail specific impairments related to brain injury)

  • Free registration for BIADE Annual Educational Conference

  • Access to up-to-date information on BIADE support groups, technical assistance, advocacy, education, referrals, and resources related to brain injury

  • Access to monthly BIADE newsletters

  • Early access to registration for all “Educate Delaware” webinars for the year

  • BIADE membership card

  • Fillable brain injury ID wallet card (allows survivor to detail specific impairments related to brain injury)

  • Free registration for BIADE Annual Educational Conference

  • Access to up-to-date information on BIADE support groups, technical assistance, advocacy, education, referrals, and resources related to brain injury

  • Access to monthly BIADE newsletters

  • Early access to registration for all “Educate Delaware” webinars for the year

  • BIADE membership card

  • Fillable brain injury ID wallet card (allows survivor to detail specific impairments related to brain injury)

  • Free registration for BIADE Annual Educational Conference

  • Access to up-to-date information on BIADE support groups, technical assistance, advocacy, education, referrals, and resources related to brain injury

  • Access to monthly BIADE newsletters

  • Early access to registration for all “Educate Delaware” webinars for the year